What’s the first Question?

February 8, 2014 § Leave a comment

Char:  So what’s the first question?  And every answer is simply another question anyhow.

Nel:  Okay.  Why have I lost faith in government?  I never expected this to happen, and yet here it is.  Where do I turn?

Char:  OK I’ll try and run with that as a first one. Good one.  But the questions don’t even have to be from a personal place, they can also be generalized and instructive

Nel:  Of course!!  Like, We are a confederation, in the USA they talk about the Fed, and what is a federation anyway?  Is it supposed to be better than how the government is failing me now?  or.. The Russian “Federation”.

char:  That’s the conflating I was talking about.  Confederation is different than federalism.

Nel:  The English Language is a fucking disaster.  It is the tool for miscommunication and more.  Really.  It makes government impossible to understand, by everyone, in the same way.  Maybe that’s on purpose.  Is anarchy a form of government? Ground Up Governing?

Char:  Take the word liberal. It means Free Market economics in most of the world. But in Canada / US it’s used as socio-political vernacular rather than the traditional economic meaning. To mean socially progressive. But in the rest of the world, and to Canada / US economists and economics students it maintains its original meaning. So the Canadian Conservative party is economically liberal and the Canadian liberal party isn’t. They are economically Protectionist, or Keynesian. not liberal. Just another prominent example.

Nel: So the first questions.  Should we summarize them and let you give some simple answers, just for starters?

Char: Sure.

Nel: Okay.  Here they are:

Why have I lost faith in government?  I never expected this to happen, and yet here it is.  Where do I turn?


Is anarchy a form of government?

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